Digital Disruption is all around us. Mobile is overtaking desktop, Social Media is beating search, Messaging Application are challenging e-mails and everything around us is becoming connected. Mobile devices especially the smart phones are fueling the culture of "Anytime, Anywhere, And Anything''. Smartphone is not only ubiquitous but also the primary computing device for many .These paradigm shifts are fueled by the explosive growth of smart phones which has touched a volume of 1.6 billion units globally. Smartphone growth has also triggered the explosive growth of mobile applications and cloud computing .Together, Mobile cloud computing is now a potential technology for mobile services .MCC overcomes obstacles related to battery life, storage capacity and low bandwidth. Current smart phones uses 2x2 MIMO which gives a speed 300Mbps, by using massive MIMO technology speed can be enhanced up to 1Gbps. This paper gives a BER (Bit Error Ratio) analysis to prove that by increasing number of transmitting and receiving antennas the performance can be enhanced.