Historically, the development of human life style has been associated with the need to large amount of energies and chemicals that might be destructive and hazardous for the environment (1-2). The dyes are of major class of the chemicals which have various target industries such as textiles, leather, paper, printing and cosmetics but the highest amount of dyes is used in textile industries (3-4). Dyes are drastically used in these industries and can generate the colorful wastewater (5). This produced wastewater which can simply release into environment and be considered as a major risk for various type of life in environments (6-7). Among various types of dyes, the reactive dyes are identified as widely used dyes to colorize the fibers (8). A large amount of these dyes (50%) is lost during dying and it is obvious that great volume of colorful wastewater is producing by this part (9). The toxicity and aesthetic risks of the dyes has been reported in various literatures. They are supposed to participate in some diseases such