Taro Cocoyam is prone to attack by rodents, insect pests and environmental elements. After drying, it is stored to evade wastage. In an effort to efficiently develop storage system, fundamental physical parameter such as volume of the fresh cocoyam with respect to its axial dimensions should be well expressed and modelled for easy estimation. In this study, fresh Taro Cocoyam samples were sourced, cleaned and packaged. Ten unpeeled samples were used in determining initial moisture content (% w.b). The axial dimensions of fifty unpeeled samples were measured and used to compute arithmetic mean diameter (DA). Corresponding true volume (VT) was found using water displacement approach. The bulk samples were grouped based on DA, into seven (7) size ranges. Mean and standard deviation of each parameter were computed. The model was established, verified and validated. Statistical analysis showed that the value of coefficient of determination (R2 ) was almost equals correlation coefficient (r ≈ 1). The values of reduced Chi-square (chc 2 ), root mean square error (RMSE) and mean bias error (MBE) were not that high. The values of coefficient of residual mass (CRM) and modelling efficiency (EF) were almost perfect. Therefore, the model established is practically good for estimating volume of Taro Cocoyam which could find application in the design of feed hopper and storage system.