The aim of the study is to simulate the effect of anode-cathode displacement and anode type on the potential distribution of reinforced concrete (RC) cathodic protection (CP) system using boundary element method (BEM). For the simulation, Laplace equation was used to model the RC domain. The boundary conditions for the anode and cathode (reinforcing steel/rebar) were represented by its polarization curve. By using BEM, the electrical potential values on the whole domain should be calculated. Therefore, the effects of those parameters were studied based on the rebar electrical potential. For the study, the CP system model and geometry were obtained from a previous researcher. The BEM simulation results show that the anode-cathode displacement affects the distribution of electrical potential on the protected reinforcing steel. It was consistent with the previous research result. The results also show, as expected, that the anode type influences the electrical potential value on the rebar. Hence, those parameters should be considered in designing and/or evaluating the RC CP system.