Acyl migration occurs in many reactions
and is the main obstacle
for structured lipid synthesis. In this study, 2-monoacylglycerol
(2-MAG) was prepared by enzymatic ethanolysis in three different media
to evaluate the effect of environment on product composition. The
contents of 2-MAG obtained in ethanol, hexane + ethanol, and t-butanol + ethanol systems were 30.6, 15.7, and 32.4%,
respectively, after 3 h reaction. Afterward, the acyl migration kinetics
of 2-MAG were studied in solvent and solventless systems without the
use of lipase. Results indicate that 2-MAG in the solventless system
had the highest acyl migration rate. The isomerization was efficiently
prevented by the use of polar solvents, especially t-butanol. The rate constants were shown to be the highest and activation
energy values were the lowest in solventless systems. The novel finding
in this study was that solvent had inhibitory effect on 2-MAG isomerization,
but the nonpolar hexane had the lowest inhibition of acyl migration
compared to other solvents.