BACKGROUND: Financial support for medical care is one of the conditions for the implementation of the state’s social objectives and strategic provision of the required level of health capital for the population. Financial resources of compulsory health insurance account for more than 48% in the structure of sources of financing of guaranteed medical care.
AIM: Analysis of the relationship between basic integral indicators of population health capital and the level of financial security of medical care within the framework of the compulsory health insurance program.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was carried out using the method of correlation and regression analysis, the method of constructing time series, comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators.
RESULTS: Financial support for medical care within the framework of compulsory medical insurance in 2011-2022. was characterized by significant underfunding and a decrease in the coverage of the population with timely and high-quality medical care. Government expenditures within the framework of compulsory health insurance are determined by the dynamics of GDP per capita. The volume of expenses for the provision of guaranteed medical care does not directly determine the level of life expectancy, birth rate and disability of the population. The scale of financial support within the framework of compulsory health insurance only partially mediates the variation in such indicators of health capital as natural population growth and the level of general morbidity.
CONCLUSION: The absence of a formalized positive correlation between indicators of the volume of state financial resources within the framework of compulsory medical insurance and indicators of health capital for 2011-2022, revealed in the framework of the study. can be considered as a direction for increasing the efficiency of the organizational and economic mechanism for using limited resources.