A perennial quest in networking research is how to achieve higher quality of experience (QoE) for users without incurring more resources. This work revisits an important yet often overlooked piece of the puzzle: what should the QoE abstraction be? A QoE abstraction is a representation of application quality that describes how decisions affect QoE.The conventional wisdom has relied on developing handcrafted quality metrics (e.g., video rebuffering events, web page loading time) that are specialized to each application, content, and setting. We argue that in many cases, it maybe fundamentally hard to capture a user's perception of quality using a list of handcrafted metrics, and that expanding the metric list may lead to unnecessary complexity in the QoE model without a commensurate gain. Instead, we advocate for a new approach based on a new QoE abstraction called visual rendering. Rather than a list of metrics, we model the process of quality perception as a user watching a continuous "video" (visual rendering) of all the pixels on their screen. The key advantage of visual rendering is that it captures the full experience of a user with the same abstraction for all applications. This new abstraction opens new opportunities (e.g., the possibility of end-to-end deep learning models that infer QoE directly from a visual rendering) but it also gives rise to new research challenges (e.g., how to emulate the effect on visual rendering of an application decision). This paper makes the case for visual rendering as a unifying abstraction for Internet QoE and outlines a new research agenda to unleash its opportunities.