In recent research works, metaheuristic methods have been widely used to minimize THD in inverters, these methods provide better computation time and effective results compared to classical methods. This paper presents a systematic analysis with a comprehensive coverage of metaheuristic methods applied to multilevel inverters. The search focused on the characteristics of the inverters used in the articles (topologies, levels, loads and evolutionary method). The aim is to show which are the characteristics of the most used case studies for the application of evolutionary metaheuristic methods. The IEEEXplorer, ScienceDirect, IET Digital Library, Springer and WorldWideScience databases have been used for the review since 2010. The results of the review show that many researchers use evolutionary algorithms, with Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter topology, RL loading and 7 levels. This highlights which features of the case studies are the most used and analysed to explore the advantages of using evolutionary metaheuristic methods.