This is a quasi-experimental research. The research design was Posttest only control group design. The sampling technique in this study was purposive cluster sampling after 3 classes were chosen based on daily examination score on word processing application utilization subject, namely XI-3 Pharmacy class with Prezi media, XI-4 Pharmacy with Adobe Premiere media, and XI-1 Nursing class Microsoft Power Point media. In this lesson was given the subject of spreadsheet application. Data collection was the test of learning result of Digital Simulation in essay form. The data analysis in this study used one way anova test by using SPSS 17 program, which previously analyzed its normality with Kolmogorov-Smirnov One-Sample test with α = 0,05 for the three classes were learning by using Prezi media, learning by using Adobe Premiere, and using Microsoft PowerPoint successively obtained value p> α is 0.192; 0.184; 0.200> 0.05 so that the three groups were normally distributed. Homogeneity test by using Levene's test obtained p> α value is 0.095> 0,05 means the three groups come from population with homogeneous variance. The result of data analysis using One Way Anova test with α = 0,05 obtained statistical value Fhitung = 5,268 with p = 0,007 then p < α, so there was difference of learning result of Digital Simulation using Prezi media, Adobe Premiere media and Microsoft PowerPoint media. Further analysis used Tukey's HSD test seen that the learning media that have significant difference in learning using Adobe Premiere media and Microsoft Power Point media. From the results of the study can be concluded "There are differences in learning results on Digital Simulation in utilization of the spreadsheet application between the use of media of Prezi, Adobe Premiere, and Microsoft office PowerPoint on students class XI SMKN 17 Samarinda". Better learning outcomes are in Class XI-4 Pharmacy by using Adobe Premiere.