2015): Prospects of gluten modification to rationalize celiac sprue toxicity -an immunological approach, Food and Agricultural Immunology, Celiac disease (CD) with pervasiveness of 2-3% worldwide is long-life bigotry to gluten proteins in genetically vulnerable persons. In present scenario, the only remedy is pulling out the dietary gluten, but marketable gluten-free foodstuffs present offensive possessions due to reduced quality and squat suitability because of the lack of wheat gluten. Therefore, efforts are being made to modify the immunogenic structures of gluten to eschew indebtedness by the immune pattern and to set up protected and satisfactory foods for CD patients. This can be accomplished by sourdough development and enzymatic reforms and long-time fermentation. The amalgamation of steric immensity into gluten proteins in edict to evade immune appreciation is the most auspicious approach to acquire wheat-based foodstuffs that are stomached by CD patients. The overture of amended yields hooked on regimens for CD patient's stipulation moreover be painstakingly valued, not only by capitals of serological and cellular assays but also in alimentary intermediation readings to certify that CD signs do not transpire.