As a new type of face gear, curve-face gear combines the common characteristics of non-cylindrical gear, bevel gear, and face gear [1]. It can be used in engineering machinery, agricultural machinery, textile machinery and high-powered spacecraft, etc.[2], and will be developed towards high speeds and heavy loads [3]. Therefore, the research on the dynamic characteristics of curve-face gear has increasingly become prominent.The research of the nonlinear vibration characteristics of gears mainly focuses on the bevel gear, spur gear, face gear and planetary gear drive; the analytical approach of the system generally uses finite element method (FEM), and the Runge-Kutta method is applied to solve the differential equations of the system. For the simulation and vibration-based condition monitoring of a geared system, a system with an appropriate number of degrees of freedom (DOFs) was modelled [4]. An investigation of the performance of statistical fault detection indicators for three different series of crack propagation scenarios was presented [5]. From the vibration signal, the numbers of teeth on all gears, the calculation of tooth mesh frequencies and rotational speeds of all shafts were determined [6]. The dynamic behaviour of a single-stage spur gear reducer in a transient regime was studied [7]. However, for the rotary system with mass eccentricity, the Lagrange equation with generalized coordinates expression is over FEM, as it only relates to the kinetic energy and the potential energy of the system. Therefore, for the mechanical system composed of particles and rigid bodies, the system equation can be obtained quickly by using the Lagrange equation. However, due to the differential calculation of Lagrange function L, its simulation process is complex. To overcome the disadvantage of this modelling method, a new modelling method combined Lagrange equation and bond-graph is proposed. When the generalized coordinates, the parameter equation, the force input, and the velocity conversion matrix are determined, the mathematical simulation of the system can be obtained. Compared with the classical method, the modelling process of the Lagrange bond-graph is more regular, and the solving process is more efficient [8].Recently, few studies were available for the curve-face gear drive. Due to the time-varying characteristics of non-circular gears, the vibration response of this type of gear is much complex than that of normal gears. For general gears, the excitations of the vibration response are mainly time-varying mesh stiffness, tooth transmission error, and meshing impact, etc. The dynamic model of a spur gear pair, considering the backlash, time-varying stiffness,
Dynamic Model and Analysis of Nonlinear VibrationCharacteristic of a Curve-Face Gear Drive