The principal initial product of metabolism of ['3N]N2 and '3NH4' by five diverse cyanobacteria is glutamine. Methionine sulfoximine inhibits formation of [l:JN]glutamine except in the case of Gloeothece sp., an organism with a thick sheath through which the inhibitor may not penetrate. Thus, glutamine synthetase appears to catalyze the initial step in the assimilation of N2-derived or exogenous NH4' by these organisms. ['3N]Glutamate is, in all cases, the second major product of assimilation of "IN-labeled N2 and NH4+. In all of the N2-fixing cyanobacteria studied, the fraction of "N in glutamine declines and that in glutamate increases with increasing times of assimilation of ['3N]N2 and l NH4', and (Gloeothece again excepted) methionine sulfoximine reduces incorporation of`N into glutamate as well as into glutamine. Glutamate synthase therefore appears to catalyze the formation of glutamate in a wide range of N2-flxing cyanobacteria. However, the major fraction of [I:JN]glutamate formed by Anacystis nidulans incubated with "NH4' may be formed by glutamic acid dehydrogenase. The formation of ['3N]alanine from ":3NH4+ appears to be catalyzed principally either by alanine dehydrogenase (as in Cylindrospermum licheniforme) or by a transaminase (as in Anabaena variabilis).
Experiments using the radioisotope '3N haveshown that in the heterocyst-forming cyanobacterium Anabaena cylindrica the major enzymatic pathway for the asimilation of NH4', whether derived from N2 or supplied exogenously, consists of glutamine synthetase (L-glutamate:ammonia ligase [ADP forming], EC and glutamate synthase (L-glutamate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase [transaminating], EC (11,19). Glutamic acid dehydrogenase and alanine dehydrogenase also function in the assimilation ofexogenously supplied NH41 in this cyanobacterium, but at a much lower rate even in the presence of relatively high levels of NH4+ (11). In this respect, A. cylindrica differs from some heterotrophic, dinitrogen-fixing bacteria in which N2-derived NH4+ is assimilated principally by the glutamine synthetase/ glutamate synthase pathway, whereas, during growth in the presence of high exogenous concentrations of NHEV, the NHE is assimilated via glutamic acid dehydrogenase (6).When A. cylindrica is grown aerobically, t Preent address: