The aim of the research was to assess epizootic activity of natural plague foci in the Russian Federation in 2021 and provide a prognosis for 2022. Activation of epizootic process has been detected in Central-Caucasian high-mountain natural plague focus after a recess since 2007. Local epizootics persist to develop in Tuva Mountain and Gorno-Altai highmountain plague foci. Total area of epizooties in Russia in 2021 amounted to 1649.5 km2. 28 plague microbe strains were isolated. Animals infected with plague were not found in Tersko-Sunzhensky low-mountain, Dagestan plain-piedmont, Precaspian north-western steppe, Volga-Ural steppe, Trans-Baikal steppe, Volga-Ural sandy, Caspian sandy and EastCaucasian high-mountain natural plague foci. It is demonstrated that epidemiological welfare as regards plague in Russia in 2017–2021 was achieved through annual epizootic monitoring of plague-enzootic territories, timely epizooty detection and preventive activities aimed at reducing the risk of infection. Substantiated has been the forecast for tense epidemiological situation on the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Altai Republic and Tuva Republic in 2022. A new Epitracker application has been proven to be prospective for rapid assessment of actual epidemiological situation in natural plague foci.