this study, the hard-core Exponential-6 (hard-core Exp-6) model
has been modified for polar molecules by adding an electrostatic force
term to the function. The parameters of this new potential function
are optimized using the literature data on the second virial coefficients
of 37 polar substances. The average error of the polar hard-core Exp-6
model for these 37 polar gases, over 993 literature data, was 3.33%.
Furthermore, the Stockmayer potential, the original Exp-6, and a modified
Kihara potential with dipole–dipole interactions have been
compared for the same data, and the errors were 6.91, 4.34, and 4.46%,
respectively. In order to evaluate the ability of the proposed model
in predicting the properties of polar compounds, which were not used
in the optimization of the model parameters, the third virial coefficients
of 18 different polar gases, the compressibility factor of ammonia,
and the enthalpies and entropies of ammonia were calculated with the
polar hard-core Exp-6 model. Based on the various results, it is concluded
that this new potential function has great capability in the prediction
of the thermodynamic properties of polar gases.