Various powerful oxygenation approaches were tested in order to find the limits of the oxygen-storage capability of YBaCo 4 O 7þ . By means of extreme solid-medium high-pressure oxygenation employing KClO 3 as an oxygen generator the phase was successfully loaded with excess oxygen up to % 1:56.The YBaCo 4 O 7þ phase has a unique ability to reversibly intake/release appreciably large amounts of oxygen at low temperatures.1 Accordingly the phase is believed to be a promising candidate for an efficient oxygen storage/separator material.
2In its as-synthesized oxygen-poor ( ¼ 0) form, YBaCo 4 O 7þ (with the mean oxidation state of cobalt at +2.25) possesses a hexagonal crystal structure that consists of two types of layers of corner-sharing CoO 4 tetrahedra in a 1:3 ratio.3 Through atmospheric-pressure oxygen annealing at low temperatures it is possible to load the as-synthesized samples with excess oxygen up to % 1:3.1 In the present work, a variety of powerful post-synthesis oxidation methods were tested for their capability to oxygenate the YBaCo 4 O 7þ phase. The purpose was to establish the maximum amount of excess oxygen that can be incorporated into the YBaCo 4 O 7þ lattice.High-pressure (HP) techniques have proven their superiority in stabilizing unusually high oxidation states of transition metals in their oxides. 4 In the present work, we employed two different HP approaches, i.e. gas-medium (10-100 atm O 2 ) and solidmedium (1-5Á10 4 atm plus KClO 3 as an oxygen generator) treatments. From previous works on various functional cobalt oxide materials, chemical oxidation methods have been found promising as well. 5,6 Therefore, in addition to the HP techniques we tested the capability of a Br 2 /H 2 O dispersion to oxidize YBaCo 4 O 7þ . Moreover, for the sake of comparison normalpressure annealing experiments in oxygen, air, and nitrogen atmospheres were performed.The master sample of YBaCo 4 O 7þ was synthesized by an EDTA chelation method.1 Stoichiometric amounts of Y 2 O 3 , Ba(NO 3 ) 2 , and Co(NO 3 ) 2 . 6H 2 O were dissolved in a concentrated HNO 3 solution from which the metal ions were chelated with an EDTA/NH 3 solution. After evaporating the solvent and burning the residue, the remaining ash was ground, pressed into pellets, and sintered in an N 2 gas flow at 1050 C for 20 h. From iodometric titration, oxygen content of the thus synthesized XRD-pure YBaCo 4 O 7þ sample (Sample B) was determined at ¼ 0:13. A nearly oxygen-stoichiometric sample of ¼ 0:03 (Sample A) was obtained by annealing a specimen of