AB STRACTThe re sponse of Tai pei ba sin upon earth quake ex ci ta tion was stud ied us ing re cords of re cent earth quakes. The strong-mo tion da ta base in cludes re cords ob tained at 32 sta tions of the Tai pei TSMIP net work from 83 deep and 142 shal low earth quakes (M > 4.0) that oc curred in 1992 -2004. The char ac ter is tics of fre quency-de pend ent site re sponse were ob tained as spec tral ra tios be tween the ac tual earth quake re cords (hor i zon tal com po nents) and those mod elled for a hy po thet i cal Very Hard Rock (VHR) con di tion. The mod els for VHR spec tra of Tai wan earth quakes had been re cently pro posed by Sokolov et al. (2005bSokolov et al. ( , 2006. Anal y sis of site re sponse char ac ter is tics and com par i son with sim ple 1D mod els of the soil col umn re sulted in the fol low ing con clu sions: (1) The spec tral ra tios through out the ba sin ob tained from deep earth quakes (depth > 35 km) ex hibit good agree ment with the the o ret i cal ra tios cal cu lated us ing the 1D mod els con structed us ing avail able geo log i cal and geotechnical data. (2) The spec tral ra tios ob tained from shal low earth quakes show in flu ence of: (a) sur face waves gen er ated when trav el ling from dis tant sources to the ba sin and (b) rel a tively low-fre quency (< 1 -2 Hz) waves gen er ated within the ba sin. (3) Some shal low earth quakes pro duce ex tremely high am pli fi ca tion at fre quen cies 0.3 -1 Hz within the ba sin that may be dan ger ous for high-rise build ings and high way bridges. (4) The ob tained re sults may be used in proba bil is tic seis mic microzonation of the ba sin when many pos si ble earth quakes lo cated at various distances are considered. 2D and 3D simulation is necessary to model the seismic influence from particularly large earthquakes. Sci., 20, 687-702, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2008.10.15.01(T)
IN TRO DUC TIONSeis mic ity in the Tai wan area is very high, and many large earth quakes (M > 6.5) have oc curred in the re gion in his tor i cal and mod ern times. Some of these earth quakes, e.g., the re cent Chi-Chi earth quake of 21 Sep tem ber 1999, caused se vere dam age. Tai pei City is the cap i tal of Tai wan and is lo cated on a sed i ment-filled ba sin in the north ern part of the is land. The area has ex pe ri enced sev eral dam ag ing earth quakes, the most re cent of which oc curred on 31 March 2002. The re sults of pre vi ous re search on earth quake ground mo tion pe cu liar i ties in the Tai pei ba sin (e.g., Kuo et al. 1995;Wen et al. 1995;Loh et al. 1998; Wen and Peng 1998a, b;Sokolov and Jean 2002;Wang and Lee 2002;Chen 2003;Fletcher and Wen 2005) showed that large lat eral vari a tions in ground-mo tion char ac ter is tics (peak ground ac cel er ation, re sponse spec tra, dom i nant fre quen cies, etc.) are appar ent.Re cent needs of earth quake en gi neer ing re quire consideration of site ef fect in seis mic haz ard anal y sis. When ap plying the proba bil is tic ap proach for seis mic haz ard es tima tion in ur ban ter ri to ries, it is...