519.62 Processes of evaporation (condensation) of vapor particles from the surface of a spherical drop and processes of their diffusion into surrounding volume are considered. Special features of evaporation are investigated taking into account vapor particle fluctuations caused by random changes in the temperature, concentration, etc. Statistical characteristics of fluctuations of the corresponding quantities, including the mass flow through the liquid-vapor boundary and concentration on the liquid surface, are presented. The distribution of completely evaporated drop number versus time is presented.Processes of evaporation (condensation) of vapor particles from (on) the surface of a liquid aerosol drop and diffusion of these particles into the surrounding atmosphere are intensively studied. This is due to widespread distribution of substances in the state of the liquid-drop aerosol and their practical importance. By way of examples, we note that many objects (both of natural and technogenic origin) that can be met in the atmosphere have the aboveindicated character [1]; the aerosols are natural catalysts of photochemical and other reactions in the atmosphere and end products of a number of processes. Their study is important for meteorological monitoring (for example, for weather forecasting), ecological investigations (in particular, for the determination of concentration of poisonous substances in the atmosphere), etc. The problem of aerosol formation is urgent because of intensive investigations of plasma chemical processes in a gas discharge [2].Many biological objects that can be met in nature and in living organisms are liquid-drop aerosols [3]. In some cases, when performing biological and medical studies, the behavior of such aerosols and particles evaporated from their surfaces must be considered.The diffusion processes are used in chemical kinetics and engineering to regulate the course of chemical reactions and to separate substances [4]. During chemical reactions, one (or several) reacting substances can be in the state of liquid-drop aerosol; in this regard, the processes of particle evaporation from the spherical drop surface must be studied for more accurate control over the reaction course.We note that the processes of evaporation (condensation) of liquid particles are always accompanied by random fluctuations of temperature at the boundary between the liquid and gaseous phases, concentration of vapor particles at the drop surface, etc. Such fluctuations are disregarded in conventional description of drop evaporation. In this case, the diffusion processes can be studied by the well-developed classical methods using differential operators, and the Markovian evaporation (condensation) and diffusion processes are considered [5].