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PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBERJoint Military Operations Department Naval War College 686 Cushing Road Newport, RI 02841-1207
DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENTApproved for public release; Distribution is unlimited.
SUPPLEMENTARY NOTESA paper submitted to the Naval War College faculty in partial satisfaction of the requirements of the Joint Military Operations Department. The contents of this paper reflect my own personal views and are not necessarily endorsed by the NWC or the Department of the Navy.
ABSTRACTThe National Maritime Security Strategy and the recently released Cooperative Strategy for 21 st Century Seapower both describe the importance of maritime security to the safety and prosperity of all nations and describe an array of threats to the security of the maritime commons. One of those threats, foreign fishing vessels engaging in illegal fishing, threaten the security of the Micronesia, and therefore, threaten U.S. interests in the Pacific Command's (PACOM's) area of responsibility. This paper examines why illegal fishing is a threat, looks at current maritime security efforts in Micronesia, concludes there is more PACOM can and should do, and recommends a change to PACOM's Theater Security Cooperation Plan to increase PACOM's security engagement in Micronesia.
SUBJECT TERMSOceania, Micronesia, PACOM, TSCP, Maritime Security, Fisheries. The National Maritime Security Strategy and the recently released Cooperative Strategy for 21 st Century Seapower both describe the importance of maritime security to the safety and prosperity of all nations and describe an array of threats to the security of the maritime commons. One of those threats, foreign fishing vessels engaging in illegal fishing, threaten the security of the Micronesia, and therefore, threaten U.S. interests in the Pacific Command's (PACOM's) area of responsibility. This paper considers examines wh...