Conventional characterization of plutonium contaminated neoprene gauntlets and cellulosic materials are highly difficult not only due to the non-geometric and unconventional nature of the sample, but also the radio-toxicity associated with them. An analytical method based on direct current arc atomic emission spectrometric (D.C.Arc AES) technique was developed for direct determination of 22 metallic impurities in contaminated neoprene gauntlets and cellulose samples. The samples were incinerated to powder form and analyzed against seven point standardization using graphite standards. The interference free best performed emission lines of the analytes were chosen as the analytical lines for establishing the calibration curves required for their estimation. The linear dynamic range, sensitivity, detection limit, precession associated with these analytical lines were evaluated in the graphite matrix. Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry has also been employed for comparative evaluation of the analytical performance of the developed AES based method as well as analysis of the actual samples. D.C.Arc AES based method was found to have 20% precession, while that for EDXRF was 10%. However, elements with lower Z values and lower concentration can only be determined by AES.