a B S t r a c tCurcuma zedoaria rosc. (Family-Zingeberaceae), commonly known as 'yellow zedoary ' is used in india system of medicine since time immemorial. the plant is found well in eastern Himalayas, chittangang, Bengal, Kerala, Konkan and often cultivated throughout India. It is aromatic, pungent, bitter and useful in flatulent colic and debility of the digestive organs and also used as an ingredient in bitter tincture of zedoary and anti-periodic pills. a paste of rhizome is useful externally for cuts, wounds, itching and in sprains. a detailed phytochemical evaluation of its rhizome showed moisture content 83.22%, total ash 6.64%, acid insoluble ash 0.64%, alcohol soluble extractives 15.53%, water soluble extractives 18.96%, sugar 12.51% and starch 15.70%. a study of its volatile content also has been done indicating 2.8% of total volatile oil. These findings will be very useful for the identification of the species which may be useful to pharmaceutical industries for the quality control of the commercial samples.