Quantum yields of chloride ions exceeding unity are obtained upon illumination of TiO 2 layers in aqueous solutions containing CCl 4 and methanol. The TiO 2 layers were prepared by spin coating using concentrated colloidal solution (prepared by hydrolysis of the propoxide). Absorbed light intensities were 7 × 10 -11 to 2 × 10 -8 ein cm -2 s -1 . There is only a small, if any, effect of methanol concentration on the Clyield in the range 0.2-5 M. Above 5 M, the yield remains nearly constant in the absence of air but decreases in aerated solutions. Only negligible Clyield is obtained in the absence of methanol. In the presence of oxygen, the rate of photocatalytic Clbuild up is proportional to the square root of the light intensity, as expected in a chain reaction. A similar study in oxygen-free solutions shows [Cl -] leveling off at the higher light intensities. The quantum yield increases with pH in both the presence and absence of oxygen, reaching values φ ≈ 7 at pH 12.2, at the lowest light intensity. In the absence of oxygen, there is no observable effect of CCl 4 concentration on the Clyield above 1 × 10 -3 M, while the oxygen-containing systems show nearly linear increase of the yield upon increasing [CCl 4 ]. Thermal catalyzed formation of chloride is observed in the absence of oxygen. In the absence of oxygen, removal of adsorbed hydroxyl radicals, OH • ads , by the methanol enables the electrons that have escaped recombination to react with CCl 4 , producing chloride ions and CCl 3 • radicals. This is followed by electron injection to the TiO 2 conduction band and subsequent hydrolysis of the CCl 3 + intermediate to carbon dioxide and HCl. A chain reaction mechanism is proposed also for oxygencontaining systems. The CCl 4 -O 2 •adduct is the chain carrier and the termination involves dismutation of O 2 •radical ions.