improvement of rotation driving accuracy is urgently
needed and facing challenges. Miniature bidirectional rotary actuators
with high-precision and controllable fallback rate require novel driving
principles. Here, on the basis of a proposed biomimetic stick–slip
motion principle, a novel piezoelectric-thermal coupling bidirectional
rotary actuator was developed. The integrated mantis grasping leglike
biomimetic claws and heating rods could realize the clockwise macroscopic
rotation and anticlockwise macroscopic fallback of a cylindrical rotator,
generated by piezoelectric stick–slip and thermal expansion,
respectively. The rotation fallback was effectively inhibited at relatively
lower frequencies and higher voltages, as a slight fallback rate of
0.095 was confirmed in term of 0.5 Hz and 80 V. An extraordinary piezoelectric-driven
macroscopic rotation resolution of 0.2 μrad and thermal-induced
microscopic resolution of 0.00073°/°C were experimentally
revealed with the aid of real-time observation of the clockwise slow
sticking and anticlockwise instantaneous slipping processes by using
three-dimensional optical imaging.