For the optimization of radiation parameters as well as plasma properties investigation in the PF discharge it is necessary to use comprehensive techniques for studies of plasmas. In the work laser, X-ray and optical methods of plasma diagnostics are introduced. The main features of the setup (W = 3÷15 kJ, I ≤ 250 kA, τ T /4 ∼ 2.5 µs, high repetition rate) define additional requirements for the design of laser diagnostics (shadowgraphy, interferometry) based on a single-pass Mach-Rozhdestvensky interferometer with the varying arm of 1 ÷ 2 m, an aperture of 10 cm and Nd:YAG-laser at the second harmonics with the pulse of 120 mJ for 3 ns. The image recording system is based on the controlled CCDcameras. The PC-based data acquisition system was used for the synchronization of the diagnostics and the installation triggering, for obtaining and processing of images. Measurements using the X-ray spectrograph with the convex mica crystal were carried out. The observation direction was at a 45 • to the chamber axis. The spectrograph allowed us to record spectra in the range from 3 to 18Å with a linear dispersion of 0.15÷0.05Å/mm. The data of the current plasma sheath (CPS) structure and its evolution were received in the energy range of UPF = 8 ÷ 16 kV, the current through the chamber ∼ 200 ÷ 400 kA, the gas (neon, argon, deuterium) pressure ∼ 0.5 ÷ 5 Torr. The evolution of the shock wave at the front of CPS was shown. The radial and axial CPS-velocities, the electron density profiles of the plasma sheath were measured. The X-ray spectra of H-and He-like neon ions and the integral pictures of the discharge in a soft XR range of 0.6 ÷ 10 keV were obtained experimentally. The ratio of satellite and intercombinatory lines intensity to the resonant lines results in the electron temperature data (T e ∼ 200 eV), the ionization degree and plasma density (ne ∼ 3 × 10 18 cm −3 ). : 52.58.Lq, 52.59.Hq,