A method for the preconcentration of trace amounts of Sn(IV), using a chelate forming resin, is proposed. The sulphonated derivative of an aromatic complexing agent-Pyrocatechol Violet (PV)-is adsorbed by a strong-base anion-exchange resin (Dowex 2x4) by simple ion-exchange. The resin containing the dye behaves like a chelating resin, able to adsorb Sn(IV) from aqueous solutions, the optimum adsorption pH being 4. A high preconcentration factor for Sn(IV) was obtained.The PV-resin was used for the preconcentration of Sn(IV) in a zinc sample. After desorption with a small volume of IM HNO3, the pH of the analyte was adjusted at pH 4 and then Sn(IV) was determined spectrophotometrically as Sn(IV):PV complex, at 555 nm.
Preparation of the PV-resinAn aqueous solution of 10" 3 M PV was prepared and used to modify the Dowex 2x4 resin (CI") as described previously. 9 Thus, the anion-exchange resin Dowex 2x4(Cl") (200 mg) was stirred with 25 mL 553 Brought to you by | Purdue University Libraries