Water scarcity demands the maximum use of every drop of rainfall. Rainwater harvesting system has been considered as a suitable alternative water source for increasing water supply capacities (Ganguly et al, 2014). It is the collection of water volume from raindrops which is the most economical and practical measures for providing supplementary water supplies with its easy system installation. It can be a supplementary water source in urbanized regions for miscellaneous multiple household uses such as toilet flushing, lawn watering, landscape and ecological pools etc. (Ganguly et al, 2014).Realizing the benefits of rain water harvesting, the paper examines the economic feasibility of setting up such system at Green City, Vavol, Gandhinagar. Narmada Water Channel is not available in the society. The society presently uses borewell for water supply, which is available at very deep level which deteriorates the water quality. During monsoon, water gets logged in this society and therefore, does not remain useful for any domestic purpose. Considering this situation, the research presents a practical solution with facts and figures in the form of the viability study of setting up rain water harvesting system in the society.In the last decade, as the awareness has increased for rainwater