Managing assets implies getting the most out of a company's assets, a fact that achieves an op era ti onal competi ti ve advantage over rivals in the sector. In relation to this, the present case study is focused on achieving the maximum efficiency of the resources of the Naval Center of Peru, which manages different vessels and maritime equipment as main assets in order t o p ro mo te the practice of nautical sports in the country. , but that is li mi t ed b y the extra costs incurred in keeping them operational, which represent about 45% of total operating costs. Based on the diagnosis made, the main problem was the short life of the assets, from which various root causes related mainly to human errors and maintenance methods branched off. For this reason, the research proposes a novel model that integrates the best practices of TPM and RCM, ad apt ing the COFA and FMEA analysis methods of RCM, as well as the mo st important pillars of TPM, in order to reduce systematic failures, accelerated wear and asset breakages, with reference to success stories from similar sectors that are adapted to a fleet of boats, within the framework of a nautical sector with little research on fleet management. Likewise, based on the proposed solution model, it wa s possible to reduce maintenance and operation costs by 2 0.2 9% a nd increase the lifetime of assets by 47.33%, demonstrating that the partial implementation (pilot) produces substantial resul ts, b ut no t the expected with the integral model due to the same maturity o f t he project.