In this article, we present a high-resolution shallow seismic surveying method for imaging the inner structure of the Miocene evaporitic formation, where sulfur ore occurs. The survey was completed in the northern part of the Carpathian Foredeep (SE Poland) where sulfur deposits occur up to a depth of ca. 260 m. In this region, the sulfur ore is strata-bound and exists within a carbonate interval of a thickness of approximately 28 m. The average sulfur content reaches up to 30%. Five seismic profiles were acquired with a total length of 2450 m. The acquisition was designed to obtain high-resolution, long offsets and a satisfactory signal-to-noise ratio. In the field, we used 48 channels and variable end-on roll-along spread that allowed us to record offsets of up to 375 m. Data processing was aimed at preserving relative amplitudes (known as RAP, relative amplitude preservation processing), an approach that is necessary for seismic inversion application. With the utilization of well log data and results of simultaneous inversion, we were able to calculate the elastic properties of the deposit to evaluate sulfur ore content and changes in lithology. The sulfur content is strongly dependent on the carbonate reservoir’s porosity. To evaluate porosity changes and associated sulfur content, a simultaneous inversion procedure was used. This is a pioneering approach in which we applied pre-stack inversion methods to shallow carbonate sediments.