The article proves the perspective of information technology in the development of intonation hearing -a significant component that determines the level of professional musical thinking. The meaning and essence of intonation hearing in the structure of musical hearing is determined. Objective reasons that impede the development of intonational hearing in musician students are highlighted. The purpose of this article: to justify the sequence of stages in the development of intonational hearing among musician students, to determine the areas of work and ways to use information technology for its development, to identify the most effective methods corresponding to each stage. The sequence and content of the stages were determined by the following logic: from the ability to determine the emotional tone of a work, through its re-intonation with the help of computer programs and applications to the interpretation of the emotionally imaginative content of the work. The results of the initial diagnosis, as well as the causes that impede the development of intonation hearing identified during the study, determined the choice of information technologies for the development of intonation hearing. To improve students' ability to re-intonation, computer applications Drum'n'bass, Dubstep, Electronic, Chordbot Lite, Walk Band and Garage Band were used, as well as methods of "modeling the artistic and creative process", "creating compositions". To develop the intonational hearing of Chinese students, the Smart technology and the Real piano program were used. The results of the final diagnosis allow us to conclude that the level of development of intonational hearing in students who participated in the study, based on the use of information technology, is increased. Students enriched the experience of communicating with musical art, deepened their understanding of musical intonation as a carrier of semantic content, activated the ability to re-intonation as a way of developing musical thinking. The use of information technologies, including computer applications and programs, takes the process of awareness of the emotional-semantic expressiveness of intonation to a new level, filling it with creative content. The obtained results prove the effectiveness of the developed stages, content and methods, as well as the prospects of using information technology in the development of the intonational hearing of musicians.