The purpose of this research was an analysis of the optimum cutting conditions for the lowest surface roughness in tangential cylindrical grinding of the AISI D3 tool steel using the Taguchi method. In this experimental investigation, the surface roughness with various wheel speeds, workpiece speeds, feed rates and depths was observed. The surface roughness was investigated employing the Taguchi design of experiments and an analysis of variance (ANOVA). Significant machining parameters were identified using the signal-to-noise ratio. The results of the experiments indicate that the wheel speed and feed rate have dominating effects on the surface roughness during the cutting. The developed new grinding process can be used in the machining industries in order to determine the optimum cutting parameters for the minimum surface roughness. Keywords: tangential cylindrical grinding, Taguchi method, surface roughness, ANOVÂ lanek predstavlja analizo optimalnih pogojev rezanja s Taguchi metodo, za doseganje najmanj{e hrapavosti pri tangencialnem cilindri~nem bru{enju orodnega jekla AISI D3. Pri teh eksperimentih je bila opazovana hrapavost povr{ine pri razli~nih hitrostih kolesa, razli~nih hitrostih obdelovanca ter razli~nih hitrostih in globinah podajanja. Povr{inska hrapavost je bila preiskovana z uporabo Taguchi-jeve postavitve preizkusov in analize variance (ANOVA). Pomembni parametri obdelave so bili identificirani z uporabo razmerja signal -hrup. Rezultati eksperimentov ka`ejo, da imata hitrost kolesa in hitrost podajanja prevladujo~o vlogo pri hrapavosti povr{ine in parametrih rezanja. Razvoj novega postopka bru{enja se lahko uporabi v strojni industriji za dolo~anje optimalnih pogojev rezanja pri minimalni hrapavosti povr{ine. Klju~ne besede: tangencialno cilindri~no bru{enje, Taguchi metoda, hrapavost povr{ine, ANOVA