In order to achieve the standard red, green, and blue (sRGB) standard color gamut in color liquid crystal display and improve the image quality, the impact of the backlight and color filter spectrum on module's chroma was simulated and analyzed. The color gamut was enhanced by adjusting and optimizing the two parts of spectrums of LED backlight and color filter and by using red and green phosphor LED backlight to match the new color filter with an appropriate thickness. Experimental results show that: When the thickness of color filter is 2.2 µm, National Television System Committee color gamut increases from 65.3% to 74.9%, and sRGB matching rate enhances from 83.2% to 100%, achieving a full coverage of the sRGB standard color gamut, the transmittance of white light reaches 28.1%. Also, it is verified that shifting the peak position of the backlight and color filter spectrum to purification direction, as well as narrowing its half‐width can upgrade the color gamut. Meanwhile, the thicker the thickness of color filter is, the wider color gamut it has, based on the same pigment material.