INTRODUCTIONGeese live in all landscape-geographical zones. The biology of most species is associated with fresh, saline, and brackish water bodies. In nature, a rather limited number of habitats meet the nutritional requirements of gooseflies, primarily monotypic thickets of monocotyledons (in which meristem does not suffer from pinching), which are in the initial stages of growth. In winter, cereal meadows slightly south of the snow line are ideal for this purpose. In more southerly areas they grow quickly and coarsen, while to the north they are under snow or don't grow. Alternatively, succulent underwater parts of semi-aquatic grasses, reeds, sedges in shallow wetlands south of the freezing zone of water bodies. The results obtained earlier indicate that mute swan occupies only a part of the ecological space represented by the study area 1 .Relief is a set of different in its morphology, genesis and age forms and elements of the earth's surface, and is a reflection of their spatial relationships. Relief analysis is a means of cognition of the landscape based on the Digital Elevation Model. The spatial distribution of topographic attributes can be used to indirectly measure the spatial variability of hydrological, geomorphological and biological processes 2 . Landforms, or units of landforms, are important landform parameters,