Quick identification of coronavirus was an emergency in the COVID-19 pandemic. The most used diagnostic tools were serologic, rapid antigen tests, as fast, easily applicable, and affordable, but with lower sensitivity. The results were usually confirmed with a reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. This assay requires proper expertise and robust laboratory equipment. It is further, costly and time-consuming, with restricted application in low-income countries. Even so, it is used as a golden standard, since it has high specificity and sensitivity. The serologic antibodybased assays were also applied during this Covid-19 burden. Their application was able two weeks after the Covid-19 onset since that was the period when antibodies might be detected. Here are briefly presented the advantages and disadvantages of these assays. Meanwhile, the majority of the diagnostic tests were developed, with some of them being automated and highly sensitive, but often costly. The general recommendation is the improvement of the sensitivity of the serologic tests and development of the easily applicable, fast, and accurate diagnostic tests.