Numerical models are recognized nowadays as a powerful tool to increase the understanding of the internals of constructed wetlands and to help improve their design. Over the last decade many models have been developed, and many simulation studies have been published. Despite diversity is generally a positive thing, having so many different models can be confusing for potential users and may also hinder further development of the existing ones. The aim of this paper is to summarize the state of the art of this discipline, focussing the attention on the most feature-rich process-based models for constructed wetlands for urban wastewater treatment. Their description is combined with a feature comparison in a tabular format to facilitate the selection of one or another based on the specific needs of the potential user. Moreover, a discussion is made regarding the advantages of each reviewed model regarding features, licencing and expected evolution of each of them. Later in the document, we describe the essential phenomena, parameters and processes that we believe that future generation of constructed wetlands models should incorporate, to guide further research on this discipline. Although this paper is focused on models used in academic circles, a model developed to optimize the design of combined sewer overflow wetlands is presented as an example of the potential of design-focused wetlands. At the end of the paper we provide an overview of the past, present and future of constructed wetlands models and analyse were we stand and which is the way to go and the main goals in the near future.