We study the propagation of non-interacting polariton wavepackets. We show how two qualitatively different concepts of mass that arise from the peculiar polariton dispersion lead to a new type of particle-like object from non-interacting fields-much like self-accelerating beams-shaped by the Rabi coupling out of Gaussian initial states. A divergence and change of sign of the diffusive mass results in a "mass wall" on which polariton wavepackets bounce back. Together with the Rabi dynamics, this yield propagation of ultrafast subpackets and ordering of a spacetime crystal.Field theory unifies the concepts of waves and particles [1]. In quantum physics, this brought at rest the dispute of the pre-second-quantization era, on the nature of the wavefunction. As one highlight of this conundrum, the coherent state emerged as an attempt by Schrödinger to prove Heisenberg that his equation is suitable to describe particles since some solutions exist that remain localized [2]. However, the reliance on an external potential and the lack of other particle properties-like resilience to collisions-makes this qualification a moot point and quantum particles are now understood as excitations of the field. The deep connection between fields and particles is not exclusively quantum and classical fields also provide a robust notion of particles, most famously with solitons [3]. The particle cohesion is here assured selfconsistently by the interactions, allowing free propagation and surviving collisions with other solitons (possibly with a phase shift). For a long time, this has been the major example of how to define a particle out of a classical field, until Berry and Balazs discovered the first case of a similar behaviour in a non-interacting context: the Airy beams [4]. These solutions to Schrödinger equation (or equivalently through the Eikonal approximation, to Maxwell equations) retain their shape as they propagate as a train of peaks (or sub-packets) and also exhibit self-healing after passing through an obstacle [5]. The ingredient powering these particle behaviours is phaseshaping, assuring the cohesion by the acceleration of the sub-packets inside the mother packet. The solution was first regarded as a mathematical curiosity as it is not normalizable, till a truncated version was experimentally realized and shown to exhibit this dramatic phenomenology but for a finite time [6]. The Airy beam is now a recognized particle-like object, in some cases emerging from fields that quantize elementary particles [7], thus behaving like a meta-particle. It is in fact but one example of a full family of so-called "accelerating beams" [8], that all similarly endow linear fields with particle properties: shape-preservation and resilience to collisions.In this Letter, we add another member to the family of mechanisms that provide non-interacting fields with particle properties. Namely, we show that two coupled fields of different masses can support self-interfering wavepack- Effective masses for the LPB as a function of momentum: in pur...