The major purpose of this research is to analyse and select the relevant mathematical modelling methods that will be employed for developing an algorithm. To fulfil the major purpose, three following objectives were raised. First, to select and substantiate the most common mathematical modelling methods. Second, to test the pre-selected meth-ods under laboratory conditions so that the most relevant method for implementing the target project could be identi-fied. Third, to prepare at least 3 models for application. The research results indicate that when evaluating the respira-tory virus (SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID-19) concentration and survival rate dependence on a number of traits, the methods of descriptive statistics, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, dispersion analysis, trait dependence analysis, and regression analysis are employed. All the above-listed methods were tested under laboratory conditions and thus can be applied to evaluate the effectiveness of the project product – a device designed to prevent transmission of res-piratory viruses through air droplets. Selection of a particular method depends on a set of traits to be analysed, a trait type (quantitative, qualitative), a trait distribution type, and parameters. In the context of COVID-19, there is an urgent need to bring new products to market. Since most of the new products developed are directly related to research, it is very important to calculate the algorithms required to provide the service. Therefore, in order to calculate the optimal algorithm, it is necessary to analyze the algorithms already on the market. In this way, the products developed can gain a competitive advantage over competitors’ products. Given that the equipment placed on the market will be equipped with HINS radiation sources, such a product will become original and new on the market. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate several methods of mathematical modelling. It is also necessary to take into account that the placing on the market of a product takes place in the context of global competition.