Microalgae are often used as nutritional supplements for aquatic animals and are widely used in the aquaculture industry, providing direct or indirect nutrients for many aquatic animals. The production of microalgae is a high economical investment due to the high costs of the culture medium to obtain microalgae biomass. Strategies such as alternative media should be undertaken to decrease costs without affecting the nutritional values of microalgae. Hence, in the present study we investigated the effects of different vermiwash extract as a supplementary for the mass production of marine microalgal biomass in larviculture. In this study, the three different combinations [VJSCS (Vermiwash was prepared from decomposed materials of Jasminum sambac), VCACS (Vermiwash was prepared from decomposed materials of Celosia argentea) and VPCCS (Vermiwash was prepared from decomposed materials Prawn shell compost)] of vermiwash were prepared with Conway media solution A (10 ml/l) and investigated the effects of growth factor, biomass production and high density production of marine copepod using vermiwash cultured microalga, Chloroidium saccharophilum. The growth rate, cell count and biomass production was increased in the Chloroidium saccharophilum using VPCCS when compared to other vermiwash materials. With reference to biomass production, the vermiwash was prepared from decomposed material prawn shell (VPCCS) has resulted in highest biomass concentration. With reference to the proximate composition analysis, the C. saccharophilum was grown in different VJSCS, VCACS and VPCCS media and showed maximum CHO (226±3.4 mg/g), protein (314.3±16.16 mg/g) and lipid (10.6±1.4 mg/g) composition in VPCCS. This proximate compositions were found significantly (P<0.05) higher in VPCCS. In VPCCS-C. saccharophilum diet, the Dioithona rigida reached a maximum density (20000±1000 individuals/l) on 21 st day constituting the nauplii, copepodites and adults. With reference to fatty acid profile the VPCCS-C. saccharophilum diet has shown significant impacts (p < 0.05) on the profiles of saturated, monosaturated and PUFAs of Dioithona rigida. The contents of PUFAs including EPA, DHA and ARA in D. rigida thus depended on the C. saccharophilum diet when compared to other microalgal diet. Hence, the VPCCS has promoted the C. saccharophilum biomass and nutritive content and also VPCCS -C. saccharophilum diet promotes highest productivity of D. rigida.