Precipitation is a critical component in water, energy and biogeochemical cycles (Kidd & Huffman, 2011;Ma, Xu, et al., 2022;Xu et al., 2022) and snowfall predominates over other types of precipitation in high-latitude regions (Skofronick-Jackson et al., 2015;Xiong et al., 2022). Today, satellite remote sensing is the primary observational source for gathering data on worldwide rainfall and snowfall since meteorological stations, ocean buoys, and weather radars have limited coverage (Hong et al., 2007;Ma, Zhu, & Yang, 2022;. Retrieving surface snowfall rate (SSR) using space-borne passive microwave sensors equipped with high-frequency channels (90-190 GHz) remains a very challenging task (Levizzani et al., 2011;Skofronick-Jackson et al., 2017), despite their high sensitivity to the radiation scattering by ice hydrometeors. The complexity of surface snowfall rate estimation is due to several factors: (a) the presence of snow cover on the ground complicates the separation between atmospheric snowfall and snow cover contributions to the satellite-observed brightness temperature (Kongoli et al., 2003); (b) the wide variation in particle size and shape of snowflakes suggests complicated radiative signatures (Liu & Seo, 2013); (c) the diversity of weather systems found in higher latitudes also contributes to the complexity of surface snowfall rate estimation (Kongoli et al., 2015).Over the past years, great efforts have been paid to develop algorithms for the detection and retrieval of snowfall rate (