DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/12/3/010
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Applications of a new plane stress yield function to orthotropic steel and aluminium sheet metals

Abstract: Many metallic sheets exhibit a certain initially plastic anisotropy that influences considerably the mechanical behaviour of the sheet material in forming operations. Nowadays, computer modelling based on the finite element method (FEM) in conjunction with the concept of anisotropic yield functions is successfully utilized to design sheet forming processes. The yield function applied in the FEM analysis affects very strongly the computed results such as material flow, springback, wrinkling and limiting strains… Show more

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Cited by 54 publications
(46 citation statements)
References 26 publications
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“…The kinematics of deformation involves the additive split of the total strain increment ε ε ε into an elastic and a plastic portion ε ε ε e and ε ε ε p according to ε ε ε = ε ε ε e + ε ε ε p (1) Note that the tensors of strain and stress mentioned throughout this paper are referred to a cartesian corotating coordinate frame. Assuming isotropic elasticity ε ε ε e is associated with a stress increment given by the generalized Hooke's law of linear elasticity:…”
Section: Elastic-plastic Constitutive Modelmentioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…The kinematics of deformation involves the additive split of the total strain increment ε ε ε into an elastic and a plastic portion ε ε ε e and ε ε ε p according to ε ε ε = ε ε ε e + ε ε ε p (1) Note that the tensors of strain and stress mentioned throughout this paper are referred to a cartesian corotating coordinate frame. Assuming isotropic elasticity ε ε ε e is associated with a stress increment given by the generalized Hooke's law of linear elasticity:…”
Section: Elastic-plastic Constitutive Modelmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…7) that determines the size of the subsequent yield surfaces and not the strain-path. 1 As a consequence, two different strainpaths causing the same amount of plastic work result in the same subsequent yield surface. Now consider the following thought experiment involving two different deformation programs applied to a material that obeys isotropic hardening.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Details can be found in the references [1,2]. The constitutive model was linked to the commercial FEM codes ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit via the user material subroutines UMAT and VUMAT, respectively.…”
Section: Constitutive Modelmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The constitutive model consists of isotropic elasticity combined with orthotropic plasticity. The plane-stress yield function 'Yld2003' [1] is considered in the present work, but many other yield functions have been implemented as well. Isotropic hardening is assumed.…”
Section: Constitutive Modelmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…It should also be emphasized that the choice of the geometry depends on the application, like measure of elasto-plastic yield stresses under different strain states [9,10,[36][37][38][39] within a limited strain range or characterization of forming limit curves up to very high strains [40].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%