This study uses the Biblioshiny-R tool to assess the impact of elements in articles related to groundwater use in Indonesia. Groundwater is a renewable energy source that needs to be considered in terms of quantity and availability. Groundwater that is not managed correctly will pose a threat to scarcity and sustainability in its availability. This research utilizes the Scopus database, which was published in 1980. The first article was "Water Resources for Bandung City," written by Riemer Wynfrith and published by Technical Review - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. The analysis shows top authors such as Putra DPE, Wilopo W, and Abidin HS had the highest h-index. Gadjah Mada University and the IOP Conference Series appeared as affiliates of most publications, and "Chaussard E, 2013, Remote Sens Environ" was the most cited theme in the publication, followed by the theme "Indonesia" and "land subsidence." Many discussions on the theme "Groundwater” are not followed by discussions on the theme of groundwater pollution, so the theme of groundwater pollution is interesting to discuss in further scientific research most collaborations, especially with Japan. This research also found that the age of a document does not significantly affect the number of citations a document receives. This research provides a comprehensive picture of groundwater utilization in Indonesia. In addition, this research examines the impact of groundwater decline and the need for integrated water management on the sustainability of groundwater availability in Indonesia.