Peak of RS fz-plot with SVC at different locations One parametric uncertainty-RS assessment of "Station A" power generation Two parametric uncertainties-RS assessment of "Station A" and "Station B" power generation Linear search for a in [1, 10] Linear search for a in [0.1, 2.0] Comparison of state space test and frequency sweep Linear search for o. in [0.5, 2.0], 4-machine system with two para metric uncertainties Comparison of state space test and frequency sweep-4-machine system with two parametric uncertainties Linear search for a in [0.1, 2.0]-50-generator system one para metric uncertainty Comparison of state space test and frequency sweep-50-generator system with one parametric uncertainty. xii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my co-major advisors, Dr. Mustafa Khammash and Dr. Vijay Vittal, for their invaluable guidance and continual support throughout this research project. They have shown me what true professorship is all about. I would also like to express my gratitude to graduate committee members, Drs. V. Ajjarapu, Wolfgang Kliemann, and James McCalley for their generous contributions of time and effort in the process of this research project. My thanks also go to Dr. M. Djukanovic for his helpful suggestions to my research. In addition, I am grateful to all the professors and graduate students in the electric power program at Iowa State University. They have made my stay here both productive and enjoyable. Finally, I wish to thank my wife, Mei, for her understanding, encouragement, and support, especially during times of difficulty.