The objective of this research is to examine how to design low-airframe-noise transport aircraft using Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO). This involves optimizing aircraft to minimize maximum-take-off-weight, while constraining noise at the approach condition. A design methodology which incorporates noise as a design constraint into an MDO formulation is presented. An MDO framework was designed by integrating aircraft conceptual design tools previously developed at Virginia Tech with the Aircraft Noise Prediction Program (ANOPP). Design studies are presented for cantilever wing and Strut-Braced Wing (SBW) transport aircraft with 300 passengers and a 7,700 nm range. The results show that reducing airframe noise by reducing approach speed alone, will not provide significant noise reduction without a large performance and weight penalty. Therefore, more dramatic changes to the aircraft design are needed to achieve a significant airframe noise reduction. Another study showed that the trailing-edge (TE) flap can be eliminated, as well as all the noise associated with that device, without incurring a significant weight and performance penalty. If noise due to the leading-edge (LE) slats and landing gear are reduced, which is currently being pursued, the elimination of the flap will be very significant as the clean wing noise will be the next 'noise barrier'. Lastly, an airframe noise analysis showed that a SBW aircraft, with short fuselage-mounted landing gear, could have a similar or potentially a lower airframe noise level than a cantilever wing aircraft.