A parameter identification algorithm for nonlinear systems is presented. It is based on smoothing test data with successively improved sets of model parameters. The smoothing, which is iterative, provides all of the information needed to compute the gradients of the smoothing performance measure with respect to the parameters. The parameters are updated using a quasi-Newton procedure, until convergence is achieved. The advantage of this algorithm over standard maximum likelihood identification algorithms is the computational savings in calculating the gradient. This algorithm was used for flight-test data consistency checks based on a nonlinear model of aircraft kinematics. Measurement biases and scale factors were identified. The advantages of the presented algorithm and model are discussed. Nomenclature a x ,a y ,a z = body axis components of the translational acceleration ax cg> a ycg> a zc = b°dy ax * s components of the translational acceleration at the center of gravity b = measurement bias vector, dimension m b% -measurement bias d(.) = process noise input in the SMACK model E = m x m diagonal matrix of measurement scale factors f c = nonlinear continuous dynamics vector function, dimension n fd = nonlinear discrete dynamics vector function, dimension n fxtfw -gradient matrices of the vector function f c h -altitude h m -nonlinear measurement vector function, dimension m h x -gradient matrix of the vector function h m J= performance measure L = transformation matrix from Earth to aircraft body coordinate system L p ,L da = aircraft stability and control derivativeŝ ,f^,f^ = sensor location measured from the center of gravity in the aircraft body coordinates n% = measurement noise P 0 = initial conditions weighting matrix p,q,r = body axis components of the angular rate Q = process noise weighting matrix R = output error weighting matrix (R, (B,8 = ground track data: slant range, bearing, and elevation angles s^ = measurement scale factor T = transformation matrix from aircraft body to Earth coordinate system ti = time at the sampling instants, such that £/ = t Q + iAt for / = 1,..., TV and At is the time between samples u -known input vector, dimension c u a> v a>w a = body axis components of the translational velocity at the center of gravity assuming calm atmosphere