With the increasing demand for underwater detection, interest in the acoustic field of range-dependent ocean waveguides is also growing. For weakly range-dependent ocean waveguides, adiabatic modes represent a compromise between accuracy and computational cost and occupy an important place in the simulation of numerical sound fields. However, either existing adiabatic-mode programs consider too few layers of media or the root-finder tends to miss roots. In addition, none of the programs can solve the acoustic field excited by a line sound source located anywhere in the plane. In this paper, we first derive an expression for the acoustic field excited by a line source by adiabatic modes and then introduce a high-precision spectral method to solve the local eigenmodes. For the lower boundary condition of the acoustic half-space, we use the eigenvalue transformation technique to transform the transcendental algebra system formed by spectral discretization into a generalized eigenvalue problem. Several representative numerical experiments are designed to verify the accuracy of the algorithm. After analyzing the parallelism, the multiprocess and multithread hybrid strategy is adopted to further accelerate the algorithm in parallel, and parallel numerical simulation is carried out on the Tianhe–2 multicore supercomputer; favorable acceleration is achieved.