The statistics of velocity fluctuations of turbulent Taylor-Couette flow are examined. The rotation rate of the inner and outer cylinder are varied while keeping the Taylor number fixed to 1.49 × 10
12(O(Re) = 10 6 ). The azimuthal velocity component of the flow is measured using laser Doppler anemometry (LDA). For each experiment 5 × 10 6 datapoints are acquired and carefully analysed. Using extended self-similarity (ESS) [1] the longitudinal structure function exponents are extracted, and are found to weakly depend on the ratio of the rotation rates. For the case where only the inner cylinder rotates the results are in good agreement with results measured by Lewis and Swinney [2] using hot-film anemometry. The power spectra shows clear −5/3 scaling for the intermediate angular velocity ratios −ωo/ωi ∈ {0.6, 0.8, 1.0}, roughly −5/3 scaling for −ωo/ωi ∈ {0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 2.0}, and no clear scaling law can be found for −ω0/ωi = 0 (inner cylinder rotation only); the local scaling exponent of the spectra has a strong frequency dependence. We relate these observations to the shape of the probability density function of the azimuthal velocity and the presence of a neutral line.Taylor-Couette (TC) flow, among others like RayleighBénard convection, and von Kármán, pipe, channel and plate flow, played a pivatol role in exploring fundamental concepts in fluid mechanics [3]. In a TC apparatus, fluid is confined between two independently rotating coaxial cylinders, see fig. 1. The TC geometry is best described with cylindrical coordinates: radial distance ρ, azimuth θ, and height z. The driving of the TC apparatus is given by two Reynolds numbers:where ω is the angular velocity defined as u θ /ρ, ρ the radius, ν the kinematic viscosity, and i and o subscripts denote quantities related to the inner and outer cylinder, respectively. Another way of describing the flow is by a Taylor number Ta =, which is the ratio of centrifugal forces to viscous forces, along with a parameter describing the ratio of the driving velocities, for which we have chosen:σ is defined as ((1 + η)/ √ 4η) 4 with the radius ratio η = ρ i /ρ o . By measuring the torque T [2, 4-10], required to maintain constant angular velocity of both cylinders, we can find the power input (P ) of our system using P = T |ω i − ω o |. Note that we can measure the torque on either cylinder as it has the same magnitude on the inner and the outer cylinder [11]. As all the energy that enters the system globally will be dissipated by viscous * Electronic address: † Electronic address: ‡ Electronic address: dissipation, the torque can be related to the average energy dissipate rate:where ρ fluid is the density of the working fluid, and L the length of the cylinders. Using the energy dissipation rate and the viscosity we can now find the average Kolmogorov length scale [12,13] in our flow: η K = ν 3 /ǫ 1/4 .