When an emergency event occurs, emergency plans are usually employed to respond the emergency situations in order to prevent or mitigate possible losses of life and property. Therefore, emergency plans play an important and indispensable part in emergency decision-making. With regard to the question of how to generate emergency plans, extant studies have discussed the problem from various perspectives, and fruitful results have been obtained. Dynamic evolution is a typical feature of emergency events, and usually involves the updating of related information regarding an emergency event. Existing studies have considered dynamic evolution during the emergency plan generation process only from a single perspective, neglecting the related need to update information as dynamic evolution occurs. Information related to the emergency event plays a vital role in the emergency plan generation process, and needs to be considered. To overcome these limitations, the present study proposes a novel dynamic emergency plan generation method based on integer linear programming, which considers different emergency situations and limited resources. An illustrative example and descriptive comparisons are provided to demonstrate the novelty, superiority, and validity of the proposed method.