“…For applied behavior analysis, exemplar methods for obtaining true reference values against which observers' recordings could be calibrated derive from criterion records. Methods for creating criterion records have included electromechanical recording (e.g., Kapust & Nelson, 1984), using predetermined scripted performances with scripts acting as true records (e.g., Lerman et al, 2010; Powell, Martindale, Kulp, Martindale, & Bauman, 1977), repeated viewing of video records by more than one observer until consensual agreement has been achieved (e.g., Boykin & Nelson, 1981; Mudford, Martin, et al, 2009), and relying on an expert observer who has been trained to high interobserver agreement levels (e.g., Sanson‐Fisher, Poole, & Dunn, 1980; Wolfe, Cone, & Wolfe, 1986).…”