We applied social network analysis to compare Hispanic and Black dementia caregiving networks on Twitter that were established as part of a clinical trial from January 12, 2022, to October 31, 2022. We extracted Twitter data from our caregiver support communities (N=1980 followers, 811 enrollees) via the Twitter API and used social network analysis software to compare friend/follower interactions within each Hispanic and Black caregiving network. Analysis of the social networks revealed that enrolled family caregivers without prior social media competency had overall low connectedness compared to both enrolled and non-enrolled caregivers with social media competency, who were more integrated into the communities that developed through the clinical trial, partly due to their ties to external dementia caregiving groups. These observed dynamics will help to guide further social media-based interventions and also support the observation that our recruitment strategies effectively enrolled family caregivers with various levels of social media competency.