In the quest of improving the hydrocarbon recovery and reducing the development cost in the challenging multi-stacked compartmentalized fields as well as oil rim reservoirs in Malaysia, well type and completion design was found to play a major role. Intelligent well design and completions, namely multi-lateral, selective and controlled injection and depletion, dynamic active flow control valves and down-hole pressure/temperature/composition monitoring have been identified as an essential component in the enhancement of the development strategy. Smart/intelligent completions have the ability to prevent/delay water or gas breakthrough, increase the productivity index and also to properly control drawdown to mitigate wellbore instability, sand failure and conformance issue. Active flow control valves also allow for fewer wells to be drilled by enabling efficient commingled injection and production wells. Moreover, with down-hole monitoring and surveillances, unplanned and challenging work-overs can be avoided, further reducing operating costs. The study also focuses on well architecture that entails well type selection, well reservoir penetration, well inclination and orientation, well completion simplification, well placement and well-count optimization.
In this paper, examples of mature complex multi-stacked and compartmentalized reservoirs with very thin to thick oil columns have been studied for improving the development and exploitation strategies through application of intelligent well type and optimum completion design and engineering. The suggested technology tool box including the applied workflow, guideline, procedures and standards with the field examples and desired results are to be presented and discussed. The study will cover from the assessment to the implementation and execution as well as the modeling methodology of the smart well technology on the selected fields in Malaysia.