KEY WORDSDegradation / SEC Column / Styrene / m-Divinylbenzene / Ultrahigh Molecular Weight / Network-Polymer Precursor / As an extension of our continuing studies concerned with the mechanistic discussion of the three-dimensional network formation in the freeradical polymerization and copolymerization of multivinyl compounds, 1 the preceding article 2 dealt with the crosslinking copolymerization of styrene (St) with m-divinylbenzene (m-DVB) as a most typical monovinyl/divinyl system. Thus, the reasons for the greatly delayed gelation from Flory-Stockmayer gelation theory (FS theory) 3 have been discussed extensively in order to clarify the crosslinking polymerization mechanism of multivinyl compounds. 1 The actual gel point should be close to the theoretical one if the experiment were done under the polymerization conditions in which the polymer concentration, at the theoretical gel point, would be high enough to reduce the significance of a thermodynamic excluded volume effect as a primary factor and, furthermore, the intramolecular crosslinking preceded by the intermolecular crosslinking could be suppressed. Our interpretations are verified for monomethacrylate/dimethacrylate, 4, 5 monoacrylate/diacrylate, 6 and St/m-DVB 2 copolymerizations, in which the results obtained are discussed in terms of ideal network formation according to FS theory.In a series of these investigations, the detailed pursuit of the variation of molecular-weight distribution (MWD) curves with conversion is inevitable for a full understanding of crosslinking polymerization because the MWD curves should rapidly broaden towards a higher molecular weight side with conversion as a result of exclusive occurrence of intermolecular crosslinking reaction leading to ideal network formation. 3,7,8 Here it is worthy to note that a size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) is commonly used to determine † To whom correspondence should be addressed. the molecular weight and the MWD of resulting prepolymers. However, as a technique it is not always applicable to our crosslinking polymerization systems because the structure of prepolymer changes from a linear to a branched form with progressing polymerization and, moreover, the content of ring or loop structure introduced into the linear portion or primary chain and the content of multiple crosslink or network structure in the branched form depend on the polymerization conditions. On the other hand, SEC equipped with a multiangle laser light scattering (MALLS) device (SEC-MALLS) is expected to be a very useful and efficient tool in characterizing our prepolymers because the use of MALLS, as an absolute detector, enables the molecular weight and MWD to be determined directly without any calibration. 5 During the progress of our investigation, we noticed that the degradation of poly(St-co-m-DVB) prepolymer of ultrahigh molecular weight obtained at the conversion close to the gel point occurred significantly in SEC columns. That is, the molecular weights determined by both SEC-MALLS and light scattering (LS) me...