Abstract. Control system plays a major role in the industry nowadays as it simplifies workload and reduce manpower. Among all the controlled applicable field, control system is heavily used in motor speed and motor position controls. Although there are various types of controllers available in the market, PID controller remains as one of the most used controller due to its simplicity. Unfortunately, PID controller experiences windup phenomenon which affects the controller's performance. This paper proposes a new type of anti-windup PI controller, SIPIC for motor position control application and aims to validate the performance of this controller as compared to conventional PI controller. To test the ability of the controllers, both controllers were experimented using hardware testing. The settings conditions of with and without loadings were used under two different inputs of 0˚ to 90˚ and 270˚ to 90˚. The results obtained show that under without loadings, both controller showed favourable performances. Though, SIPIC controller slightly outperforms PI controller by having lower overshoot and shorter settling time for a wider range of gains. The rise time of both controllers are similar as it is the lowest possible rise time due to hardware limitations. Experiment results with loading condition, for both inputs and when Kp is 1 and Ki is 15, PI controller shows unstable performance by having large amount of oscillations and overshoots. The settling time was unable to be determined as the controller did not settle within the given step time. On the other hand, at the same gain, SIPIC controller still shows acceptable performance. This shows that SIPIC controller is more favourable by having better stable performance for a wider range of gains while PI controller needs to be finely tuned to a specific gain to obtain desired results..